Saturday, September 9, 2023

Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road trained Youngsters & Volunteers on First Aid and CPR

~The hospital in association with ‘We Warriors’ and ‘Dev Bhumi Rakshak Foundation’ organized First Aid and CPR training session for youngsters and volunteers ~ 

MUMBAI, 10 SEPTEMBER, 2023 (NHM): In an innovative move, to create awareness regarding road safety, Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road conducted First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training sessions for youngsters and volunteers along with ‘We Warriors’ and ‘DevBhumi Rakshak Foundation’ in the hospital premises.  Present on the occasion was Dr. Tushau Prasad – Consultant Emergency Physician, Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road. 


According to National Crimes Record Bureau (NCRB) data, around 1.5 lakh deaths occur on Indian roads every year and one-third of these take place on our National highways. Nearly 90% of deaths on the road were due to speeding, overtaking, and dangerous driving leaving millions of people seriously injured.  Road safety is a growing matter of concern as a large number of people die in dangerous road accidents as they fail to get timely treatment.  In view of it, Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road educated people about how to handle road emergencies. 


Dr. Tushau Prasad, Consultant Emergency Physician, Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road said, “Accidents can happen anywhere and at any time. Road traffic injuries are one of the leading causes of deaths, disabilities, and even hospitalizations. People suffer from major injuries, fractures, trauma stroke, bruises, cuts, and heart attacks. The emergency rooms of hospitals are overloaded with accident victims who suffer complications and disability due to the unavailability of first aid or other basic life-saving techniques.  First aid and CPR training can increase the chances of survival of the patients and improve the quality of life.” 


Dr Tushau added, “CPR which is an emergency life-saving procedure performed when one’s heart fails to beat. This technique consists of chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth breathing to restore the blood and oxygen supply in the body. It is performed when one is unable to breathe, is unconscious, or is unresponsive with no pulse. We are fortunate to have been able to impart knowledge to people and encourage them to save the lives of others. We thank everyone for supporting and participating in this event. In a bid to empower and protect communities, Wockhardt Hospitals Mira Road recently organized a community awareness event focused on training volunteers in first aid and emergency response. The event aimed to equip individuals with life-saving skills, enabling them to effectively handle emergencies and potentially save lives. Through a series of engaging and motivating demonstrations, participants learned vital techniques such as hands-only CPR, alerting authorities in road traffic accidents, managing severe bleeding, helmet removal, seizure positioning, and on-field wound management. Even a free ambulance service will be organized by the hospital when volunteers of We Warriors’ and ‘DevBhumi Rakshak Foundation’ call for handling emergency patients.” 


Our volunteers trained in First Aid and CPR techniques which will save the accident victim’s life. We will strive hard to reach out to as many people as we can in the coming years to ensure their safety. We look forward to joining hands with the hospital for more such drives and campaigns. We feel proud to be a part of this initiative.,” Dev Bhumi Rakshak Foundation. 


This informative session conducted by the hospital will surely help us to save the lives of accident victims. It has inspired me to be a good Samaritan and do something for others that can benefit them. I wish to be a part of more such initiatives taken by the hospital,” said Sundar Singh Rawat, a participant.Ends

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