Sunday, September 3, 2023

Saffola launches health movement 40 under 40 to inspire India to eat better and live healthier


~Joining hands with 40 young achievers under 40 to embark on the ‘Eat Right for Healthier Living’ journey over 8 weeks~

NATIONAL, SEPTEMBER 3, 2023 (NHM): Saffola, a leading legacy brand synonymous with healthy living and heart health, has launched a health movement Saffola 40 Under 40, to inspire young Indians to prioritise their health. Spread over 8 weeks, 40 young achievers from varied fields under 40 years of age take part in the movement by adopting Roz Ka Healthy Step and inspiring India to eat better and live healthier.

The movement has been designed to remind young and mid-career individuals to take note of their health, even as several other priorities of life such as jobs, careers, children, ageing parents, etc. demand their time. This lack of focus on health has led to a significant rise in lifestyle diseases like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes impacting young Indians. Conditions and health issues that were once commonly associated with individuals in their 60s are now affecting Indians much earlier, at the age of 40 and under.

Health is 80% what we eat and 20% exercise, with that in mind the Saffola 40 Under 40 movement aims to create awareness and educate young India to focus on eating better every day. As part of the movement, the 40 young achievers will be guided by experts to make modifications led by eating right and adding mild physical activity to their lifestyle. The participants share their journey and inspire young India to join them and start taking Roz Ka Healthy Step.

It all starts with taking the Saffola Lifestyle Score, that helps assess the impact that lifestyle choices have on an individual. The score helps build further on how the right choices can help have a healthier heart too.

Highlighting the ethos of the movement, Prof Shashank Joshi, Endocrinologist, Mumbai said, “Lifestyle diseases have suddenly seen a spurt post pandemic due to disruptions. Health seeking behaviour unfortunately seen during pandemic times suddenly seems to have been replaced by rebellious, erratic lifestyle patterns. With hectic lifestyles, especially the youth below 40 are not focusing on diet, activity, sleep and getting digitally intoxicated. So, we have seen incidents of viral illness, low immunity to heart diseases, hypertension and diabetes flares up."

Additionally, Sheryl Salis, Registered Dietitian and Founder, Nurture Health Solutions, Saffola 40 Under 40 Nutrition Partner said, “In today’s modern times, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the need of the hour. With the rising incidence of lifestyle diseases, young Indians are facing several health threats that can be addressed through by incorporating small, sustainable nutrition and lifestyle changes in our daily routine. life. Hence, as a responsible brand that has always focussed on a healthy lifestyle, the Saffola 40 Under 40 movement with 40 young achievers is set to inspire young Indians to take Roz Ka Healthy Steps and follow good practices in cooking and eating”.

Start by checking your Saffola Lifestyle Score and Join the Movement today!Ends





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