Friday, August 9, 2024

Shrijee Lifestyle Group Targets Rs.1200 Crore Turnover by 2030, Pioneering Sustainable Fashion and AI Integration

Shrijee Lifestyle Group/ Mumbai- Seen left to right: Mr. Krishang Kagzi, Mr. Brijendra Kagzi, CMD & Mr. Abhay Kagzi.

MUMBAI, 09 AUGUST, 2024 (NHM/ LIVE 24X7):
  Established by Mr Deshbandhu Kagzi in the year 1970, SHRIJEE brand started as a leader in blouse fabrics, well known for its 2×2 Rubia. This commitment to innovation and quality was furthered by his son, Brijendra Kagzi, who expanded the company’s footprint pan India and international markets like UK,  EU , Middle East & Latin America. Shrijee Lifestyle Group has become a recognized force in shirting, women’s wear, and kids wear, known for its value-added and digitally printed fabrics.

Brijendra Kagzi, Chairman & Managing Director of Shrijee Lifestyle Group continues to steer the Group towards new heights, backed by a New Dynamic Team led by his elder son, Abhay Kagzi, and supported by his younger son, Krishang Kagzi. This new generation is energizing the company by leveraging Shrijee’s core strengths and loyal customer base, while harnessing modern tools like AI (Artificial Intelligence) and analytics to drive growth.
Shrijee Lifestyle Group achieved a turnover of Rs.400 crore in 2023-24, which is expected to reach Rs. 500 crore in 2024-25. The Gen Z leadership has charted a roadmap to achieve Rs.1200 crore turnover for the Group by 2030, focusing on expanding the product portfolio, while continuing to grow the reach of the company’s established brands across India and abroad. These brands include ‘Shrijee’ – Blouse & fancy ladies wear fabrics, ‘Avant Moda’ – High-end digital printed and piece-dyed shirting and suiting for men & women, ‘Cranberry’ – Creative shirting and kurta fabrics, ‘Gizanni’ – Pure Giza yarn-dyed and piece-dyed fabrics and ‘Linen Villa’ – Pure linen and innovative Lyocell linen blends.
“Shrijee Lifestyle Group is synonymous with quality, consistency, and reliability,” stated Abhay Kagzi. “We see this as the perfect time to scale up and establish Shrijee as a global leader in the fabric industry, particularly for large garment houses and leading fashion brands. AI will be a crucial driver of our accelerated growth, helping us position Shrijee as a dominant force in a sector poised for double-digit growth over the next decade.”

Thursday, August 1, 2024

कर्जत-खालापूरमध्ये सुरक्षित सोसायटी अभियान - सुधाकर घारे यांचा उपक्रम; नागरिकांचा मोठा प्रतिसाद

सुधाकर भाऊ घारे फाऊंडेशन व कर्जत शहर राष्ट्रवादी काँग्रेस पार्टी मार्फत सुरक्षित सोसायटी अभियान २०२४ सुरु असून मंगळवारी (दि.३१) रोजी कर्जत येथील राजमुद्रा चौकातील राष्ट्रवादी काँग्रेस पक्ष कार्यालय येथे अभियानाचा शुभारंभ करण्यात आला.

१ ऑगस्ट, २०२४ (वार्ताहर):   गेल्या काही दिवसांपासून कर्जत-खालापूर तालुक्यात मुसळधार पाऊस सुरु आहे. पावसाळ्यात साथीचे आजार पसरण्याचा धोका मोठ्या प्रमाणात असतो. त्यामुळे नागरिकांच्या आरोग्याची काळजी घेण्यासाठी रायगड जिल्हा परिषदेचे माजी उपाध्यक्ष आणि राष्ट्रवादीचे नेते सुधाकर घारे यांच्या माध्यमातून सुधाकर भाऊ घारे फाऊंडेशन आणि राष्ट्रवादी काँग्रेस पक्षातर्फे कर्जत, नेरळ आणि खोपोली या शहरांमध्ये सुरक्षित सोसायटी अभियान २०२४ अतंर्गत जंतूनाशक फवारणी करण्यात येत असून, नागरिकांचा या अभियानाला मोठा प्रतिसाद मिळत आहे. 

सुधाकर भाऊ फाऊंडेशनच्या वतीने उपमुख्यमंत्री अजित पवार यांच्या वाढदिवसानिमित्त सुधाकर घारे यांनी कर्जत-खालापूर तालुक्यात सुरक्षित सोसायटी अभियान २०२४ उपक्रम हाती घेतला आहे. खालापूर तालुक्यातील खोपोली शहरात हे अभियान आता पूर्णत्वाकडे आले असून, कर्जत शहरात मंगळवारी (दि.३०) रोजी अभियानाचा शुभारंभ करण्यात आला आहे. तसेच नेरळ (ता. कर्जत) शहरात देखील सुरु करण्यात येणार आहे. या अभियानाला नागरिकांचा मोठा प्रतिसाद मिळत आहे. 

कर्जत खालापूर तालुक्यात सुधाकर घारे यांच्या माध्यमातून नेहमी विविध सामाजिक उपक्रम राबविले जातात. उन्हाळ्यात कर्जत खालापूर तालुक्यात भीषण पाणी टंचाई उद्भवते, त्यामुळे गेल्या काही वर्षांपासूव वाड्या वस्त्यांवर टॅँकरव्दारे पाणी पुरवठा, पावसाळ्यात नागरिकांना ताडपत्री वाटप, विद्यार्थी पालकांना शासकीय दाखल्यांसाठी अडचणी येऊ नयेत त्याकरिता शासकीय दाखले वाटप, रुग्णसेवेसाठी रुग्णवाहिका असे अनेक सामाजिक उपक्रम घारे यांच्या माध्यमातून राबविले जातात. 

चौकट :

नागरिकांच्या आरोग्याची काळजी 

पावसाळ्यात डासांचा प्रादुर्भाव वाढल्याने साथीचे आजार फैलावतात. त्यामुळे नागिकांच्या सुरक्षेसाठी सुधाकर घारे यांच्या माध्यमातून सुरक्षित सोसायटी अभियान २०२४ राबविले जात आहे. नागिकांचे आरोग्य सदृढ आणि सुरक्षित राहिले पाहिजे, साथीच्या आजारांना आळा बसला पाहिजे, शहरातील सार्वजनिक ठिकाणे आणि सोसायट्यांचा परिसर स्वच्छ राहिला पाहिजे या सामाजिक भावनेतून राबविण्यात येत असलेल्या अभियानाचे नागरिकांकडून देखील मोठ्या प्रमाणात कौतुक केले जात आहे. 

कोट : 

कर्जत खालापूर तालुक्यात पावसामुळे अस्वच्छता आणि दुर्गंधीमुळे रोगराई पसरुण्याचा धोका आहे. त्यामुळे लोक आजारी पडू नयेत, त्यांचे आरोग्य चांगले रहावे या भावनेतून कर्जत, खोपोली, नेरळमध्ये सुरक्षित सोसायटी अभियान राबविण्यात येत आहे. खोपोलीतील अभियान आता पूर्ण होत आले असून कर्जतमध्ये शुभारंभ करण्यात आला आहे, आता नेरळमध्ये देखील आम्ही हे अभियान सुरु करणार आहोत. 

  • सुधाकर घारे, माजी उपाध्यक्ष, रायगड जिल्हा परिषद. 


Friday, July 26, 2024

आमदार थोरवेंनी बांधलेल्या बंधाऱ्यामुळे कर्जतमध्ये पूराचे पाणी - सुधाकर घारे यांचा आरोप, बंधारा न काढल्यास आंदोलनाचा इशारा

कर्जत, दि. 26 जुलै, वार्ताहर:
गेले काही दिवस कर्जत परिसरात मुळसधार पाऊस पडत असून उल्हास नदी दुथडी भरुन वाहत आहे. बुधवारी रात्रीपासून सुरु असलेल्या मुसळधार पावसामुळे कर्जत शहरात पूराचे पाणी घुसले. आमदार महेंद्र थोरवे यांच्या पुढाकारातून उल्हास नदीवर प्रतिपंढरपूर आळंदी परिसरात बांधलेल्या बंधाऱ्यामुळे कर्जत जलमय झाल्याचा आरोप करत हा बंधारा हटवण्यात यावा, अन्यथा आंदोलन करणार असल्याचा इशारा राष्ट्रवादीचे नेते आणि रायगड जिल्हा परिषदेचे माजी उपाध्यक्ष सुधाकर घारे यांनी दिला आहे.

गेले काही दिवस कर्जत परिसरात मुसळधार पाऊस सुरु आहे. त्यामुळे जनजीवन विस्कळीत झाले आहे, अशातच उल्हास नदीपात्राचे पाणी कर्जत शहरात घूसल्याने नागरिकांचे हाल होत आहे. गुरुवारी कर्जत शहरातील पाण्याची पाहणी घारे यांनी केली, आणि नागरिकांशी संवाद साधून त्यांच्या समस्या जाणून घेतल्या.

यावेळी माध्यमांशी बोलताना सुधाकर घारे म्हणाले, कोतवाल नगरला लागून उल्हास नदी आहे, येथे गेल्या काही महिन्यापूर्वी स्थानिक आमदार महेंद्र थोरवे यांच्या पुढाकारातून नदीवर बंधारा बांधण्यात आला. त्यामुळे यंदा मोठ्या प्रमाणावर पुराचे पाणी शहरात घुसले. कर्जत शहतून येणारे मुख्य गटाराच्या खालच्या बाजूला बंधारा बांधला आहे. या गटारातून येणारा कचरा, घाण बंधाऱ्यात साचून रोगराई देखील पसरण्याचा धोका आहे.

या बंधाऱ्यामुळे पूराचे पाणी शहरात घुसून नागरिकांचे मोठे नुकसान होते, त्यामुळे हा बंधारा पाडण्यात यावा अन्यथा राष्ट्रवादी काँग्रेस पक्षाच्या माध्यमातून आंदोलन उभारले जाईल असा इशारा देखील घारे यांनी यावेळी दिला आहे.

चौकट :

बंधारा बाधणाऱ्यांवर कारवाई करा, घारेंची मागणी !

सुधाकर घारे म्हणाले, हा बंधारा नागरिकांची कोणतीही मागणी नसताना बांधला आहे. या बंधाऱ्यामुळे पूराचे पाणी गटारे नाल्यांमधून कर्जतमध्ये घूसते पुराचे पाणी घरात घुसले तर नागरिकांचे आर्थिक नुकसान मोठ्या प्रमाणात होते. त्यामुळे ज्या प्रशासकीय अधिकाऱ्यांनी हा बंधारा मंजूर केला, त्यांच्यावर कारवाई होणे गरजेचे आहे. येथे राहणाऱ्या गोरगरीब जनतेच्या घरात पाणी जावू नये याची दक्षता प्रशासनाने घेण्याची आवश्यकता आहे असे देखील घारे यावेळी म्हणाले.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Akums Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited’s Initial Public Offer to open on July 30, 2024

National, July 25, 2024 (NHM/ SPM): Akums Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited (“AKUMS” or “The Company”), shall open the Bid / Offer Period in relation to its initial public offer of the Equity Shares (“Offer”) on Tuesday, July 30, 2024.

The Offer comprises a fresh issue of such number of Equity Shares (face value ₹ 2 each) by the Company aggregating up to  ₹ 6,800 million (the “Fresh Issue”) and offer for sale of up to 17,330,435 Equity Shares (“Offered Shares”) by certain existing shareholders of the Company (the “Selling Shareholders”). The Offered Shares comprises up to 1,512,000 Equity Shares by Sanjeev Jain, up to 1,512,000 Equity Shares by Sandeep Jain, (collectively, the “Promoter Selling Shareholders”) and up to 14,306,435 Equity Shares by Ruby QC Investment Holdings Pte. Ltd. (The “Ruby QC” or “Investor Selling Shareholder”) (such offer for sale of the Equity Shares by the Selling Shareholders, the “Offer for Sale”). Ruby QC is backed by Quadria Capital, a prominent healthcare focused private equity fund in Asia.

This Offer includes a reservation of up to such number of Equity Shares aggregating up to ₹ 150.00 million (₹ 15.00 crore) for subscription by eligible employees. (the “Employee Reservation Portion”

The Anchor Investor Bid/Offer Period opens and closes on Monday, July 29, 2024. The Bid/Offer Period will open on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 for subscription and close on Thursday, August 1, 2024. (“Bid Details”)

The Price Band of the Offer has been fixed at ₹ 646 to  ₹ 679 per Equity Share (the “Price Band”). Bids can be made for a minimum of 22 Equity Shares and in multiples of 22 Equity Shares thereafter. (the “Minimum Bid Lot”). 

The Company proposes to utilise the Net Proceeds from Fresh Issue of Equity Shares by the Company towards (i) Repayment/ prepayment of indebtedness of the Company; (ii) Repayment/ prepayment of indebtedness of its Subsidiaries namely, Maxcure Nutravedics Limited and Pure and Cure Healthcare Private Limited; (iii)Funding incremental working capital requirements of the Company; (iv) Pursuing inorganic growth initiatives through acquisitions; and (v) General corporate purposes. (the “Objects of the Offer”).

This Equity Shares are being offered through the Red Herring Prospectus of the Company dated July 24, 2024 filed with the Registrar of Companies, Delhi and Haryana at New Delhi.  (The “RHP”) 

The Equity Shares to be offered through the Red Herring Prospectus are proposed to be listed on the stock exchanges being BSE Limited (“BSE”) and National Stock Exchange of India Limited (“NSE” together with BSE, the “Stock Exchanges”). For the purposes of the Offer, NSE is the Designated Stock Exchange. (the “Listing Details”)

The Offer is being made through the Book Building Process, in terms of Rule 19(2)(b) of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957, as amended read with Regulation 31 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018, as amended (“SEBI ICDR Regulations") and in compliance with Regulation 6(2) of the SEBI ICDR Regulations, wherein not less than 75% of the Net Offer shall be available for allocation on a proportionate basis to Qualified Institutional Buyers (“QIBs”) (“QIB Portion”), of which one-third shall be reserved for domestic Mutual Funds, subject to valid Bids being received from domestic Mutual Funds at or above the Anchor Investor Allocation Price (“Anchor Investor Portion”), in accordance with the SEBI ICDR Regulations. In the event of under-subscription or non-allocation in the Anchor Investor Portion, the balance Equity Shares shall be added to the Net QIB Portion

Further, 5% of the Net QIB Portion shall be available for allocation on a proportionate basis to Mutual Funds only and the remainder of the Net QIB Portion shall be available for allocation on a proportionate basis to all QIBs (other than Anchor Investors) including Mutual Funds, subject to valid Bids being received at or above the Offer Price. However, if the aggregate demand from Mutual Funds is less than 5% of the Net QIB Portion, the balance Equity Shares available for allocation in the Mutual Fund Portion will be added to the remaining QIB Portion for proportionate allocation to QIBs. 

Further, not more than 15% of the Net Offer shall be available for allocation to Non-Institutional Bidders out of which (a) one third of such portion shall be reserved for applicants with application size of more than ₹200,000 and up to ₹1,000,000; and (b) two third of such portion shall be reserved for applicants with application size of more than ₹1,000,000, provided that the unsubscribed portion in either of such sub-categories may be allocated to applicants in the other sub-category of Non-Institutional Bidders and not more than 10% of the Net Offer shall be available for allocation to Retail Individual Bidders, in accordance with the SEBI ICDR Regulations, subject to valid Bids being received from them at or above the Offer Price. Further, Equity Shares will be allocated on a proportionate basis to Eligible Employees applying under the Employee Reservation Portion, subject to valid Bids received from them at or above the Offer Price. All Bidders (except Anchor Investors) are required to mandatorily utilise the Application Supported by Blocked Amount (“ASBA”) process by providing details of their respective ASBA accounts and UPI ID (in case of UPI Bidders) (as defined hereinafter), in which case the corresponding Bid Amounts will be blocked by the Self Certified Syndicate Banks (“SCSBs”) or under the UPI Mechanism, as applicable to participate in the Issue. Anchor Investors are not permitted to participate in the Anchor Investor Portion of the Offer through the ASBA process. For details, see “Offer Procedure” on page 472 of the RHP.

ICICI Securities Limited, Axis Capital Limited, Citigroup Global Markets India Private Limited and Ambit Private Limited are the book running lead managers to the Offer (“BRLMs”). 

All capitalised terms used herein but not defined shall have the same meaning as ascribed to them in the RHP.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Streax Professional unveils the SPECTRUM Collection at its MEGA SHOW 2024 in Mumbai

 ~ With its 5th edition, the brand reaffirms its commitment towards educating salonists and beauty professionals ~

Mumbai, 24 July, 2024 (NHM)- Streax Professional, a trendsetter in professional hair care, dazzled at the 5th edition of its MEGA SHOW 2024 in Mumbai, celebrating creativity and skill in the salon industry. Held at The Lalit on July 22, 2024, this one-day extravaganza showcased cutting-edge techniques and trend-setting styles.

The MEGA SHOW 2024 was an immersive experience, providing a dynamic platform for cut, color, and style enthusiasts. The event showcased six extraordinary looks from Streax Professional’s highly anticipated SPECTRUM collection, captivating the audience with its vibrant and versatile themes. Designed to educate and inspire, the event highlighted Streax Professional’s unwavering commitment to enhancing the skills and knowledge of salon partners. It emphasized the brand’s position as a fashion-forward authority in the beauty industry. With hands-on sessions and interactive demonstrations, the event underscored the significance of education, empowering salon professionals with cutting-edge techniques and trends.

Reflecting on the event's success Rochelle Chhabra, Head at Streax Professional, said, "At Streax Professional, we view education as the cornerstone of our industry. Our flagship event, the MEGA SHOW, is dedicated to equipping the salon community with cutting-edge knowledge and skills. This premier platform provides in-depth training on the latest international trends and advanced techniques, ensuring our professionals remain at the forefront of hair fashion while celebrating exceptional talent within our community. Our focus on education ensures that international trends are translated into practical, actionable techniques for our salon community. By providing in-depth training, we help salonists adapt these global trends to their own practices, enhancing their creativity and skills.

She further added, “The 5th edition of the MEGA SHOW proudly unveils the groundbreaking SPECTRUM Collection. Building on the success of past collections like Retro Remix, Marigold, Mercurial, and Kaleidoscope, SPECTRUM showcases a stunning range of vibrant, sophisticated, and transformative colors. This collection is not just about introducing new shades; it represents our commitment to innovation and creativity, embodying individuality, confidence, and style. 

Priyanka Puri, Senior Vice President, Marketing at Streax Professional, added, "Streax Professional is a trendsetter in the industry, consistently capitalizing the latest international styles. Our unique edge lies in our deep understanding of Indian hair, enabling us to adapt global trends to suit Indian hair and skin tones.

The Streax Professional MEGA SHOW series exemplifies our dedication to the salon community by showcasing the latest trends and techniques. This year, we are thrilled to introduce the SPECTRUM Collection, featuring innovative products such as Funky Colors in Blue, Green, Yellow, and Orange. Additionally, we have launched our new range of Argan Secrets Hair Color - High Lift Shades.  Each look is designed to push boundaries and reflect evolving fashion and consumer preferences. Starting in Mumbai and expanding nationwide, our goal is to inspire and engage hair stylists and salons across India with our vibrant, high-quality offerings."

Vipul Chudasama, Creative Director at Streax Professional, emphasized, “The SPECTRUM collection showcased at MEGA SHOW 2024 embodies the essence of modern beauty, blending innovation with artistry. It’s inspiring to see our salon partners embrace these looks with such enthusiasm and creativity.”

Following the triumph in Mumbai, Streax Professional is excited to bring MEGA SHOW 2024 to other major cities, including Delhi, Ahmedabad, Guwahati, Kolkata, and Chandigarh. Each event promises to deliver an unparalleled experience of learning and inspiration, fostering a community of highly skilled and fashion-forward salon professionals.

The MEGA SHOW 2024 will take place in the following cities:

  • Delhi: August 6, 2024 
  • Ahmedabad: August 13, 2024 
  • Guwahati: August 27, 2024 
  • Kolkata: September 3, 2024
  • Chandigarh: September 10, 2024 

About Streax Professional

Streax Professional – a brand closely associated with style and glamour in the salon business- was launched in 2004 by Hygienic Research Institute. Streax Professional is the smart choice for smart Indian stylists and consumers. Launching innovative products with well-researched formulations, especially suited to Indian hair types, Streax Professional is the forerunner in the professional segment with the widest distribution network. Streax Professional Hair colourant range (Colour, Developer and Ultralights) is on a continuous growth path and has a partnership with over 40000 salons in India and abroad.

About Hygienic Research Institute

Hygienic Research Institute Private Limited (HRIPL) is a prominent Indian leader in beauty and personal care products, specializing in hair care, skin care, and salon services. With over 60 years of legacy since 1957, HRIPL has grown from a single-brand promoter-owned entity to a multi-brand, multi-category organization backed by private equity and is known for brands like Vasmol, Streax, and Streax Professional, along with Florozone in skin care. Committed to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, HRIPL operates with a vision to offer excellent products and services globally while fostering growth and spreading happiness. The company boasts a robust manufacturing legacy across six locations, adhering to international quality standards. HRIPL is honored with accolades such as Great Place to Work, Best Workplace for Innovation, and recognition in the FMCG sector, underscoring its commitment to excellence in workplace culture and innovation.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

“BENGAL SPECTRUM” Painting exhibition by Artist Swapan Das & Rina Roy At Hirji Jehangir Art Gallery, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai From 10th to 16th June, 2024

MUMBAI, 11 JUNE, 2024 (NHM):
 An exhibition of Paintings “Bengal Spectrum” by Artist Swapan Das & Rina Roy will present their recent work in different mediums & techniques in art show At Hirji Jehangir Art Gallery, 1st Floor, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai from 10th to 16th June, 2024. Timing 11 am to 7 pm

Swapan Das is a celebrated Kolkata based artist renowned for his mastery in wash painting and experimentations with acrylic on canvas. Having received his formal training in fine arts from the Government College of Art and craft, he passed out in the year 1994 and has been painting for forty long years. Mentored by the distinguished artist Mrinal Kanti Das, Swapan Das bears the legacy of the Bengal School of Art. Yet at the same time, he perpetually extends the horizons of his expertise by imbuing his pieces with contemporary relevance and personal expression. He has garnered multiple awards across India and abroad throughout his illustrious career and also two gold medals. A great number of his paintings are lying with renowned collectors both in India and abroad, particularly London and Japan. Swapan Das’s paintings in acrylic are celebrated for their lyrical beauty, intricate details, and a harmonious blend of colors. His technique allows him to create works that are both ethereal and vivid, capturing the essence of his subjects with an almost poetic finesse. Through his art, Das not only pays homage to his mentor but also continues to innovate and inspire, ensuring that the rich heritage of Indian painting thrives in the modern era. His series on Radha and Krishna illustrate his exceptional skill of blending traditional subjects with contemporary techniques. His application of red, yellow and blue creates a vibrant aura that fills any room with positivity and warmth.

Rina Roy, a distinguished artist based in Kolkata, specializes in the intricate art of wash painting. She completed a three-year diploma course from the Indian Society of Oriental Art, where she cultivated her skills and artistic vision. She bears the legacy of Abanindranath Tagore and has honed her skills under the mentorship of Swapan Das. Throughout her career, Rina Roy has garnered numerous awards across India, recognizing her unique contributions to the art world. Her dedication to her craft has also led her to participate in several prestigious art workshops, enhancing her techniques and expanding her artistic horizons. Rina Roy’s works are celebrated both nationally and internationally, with her paintings being part of esteemed collections in the USA, Australia, Bangladesh, and India. Her art continues to captivate audiences, reflecting a rich heritage and a profound mastery of wash painting.ENDS/NHM

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Largest Ever Silver Exhibition "SILVER SHOW OF INDIA (SSI)" Shines in Mumbai, Showcasing Exquisite Artistry and Timeless Elegance from 7th June to 10th June, 2024 at JIO World Centre.

MUMBAI, JUNE 5, 2024 (NHM)– We are thrilled to announce the 2nd exclusive Silver Exhibition in India called Silver Show of India (SSI) at Jio convention centre, BKC Mumbai, an extraordinary showcase of exquisite artistry and timeless elegance in the world of silver craftsmanship. This landmark event will take place from 7th June to 10th June, 2024, at the prestigious JIO Convention Center, BKC, Mumbai.

This one-of-a-kind exhibition aims to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and unmatched craftsmanship associated with silver. With over 800 Booths of renowned silver jewellers and designers from across the globe participating, this event promises to captivate visitors with an awe-inspiring display of masterpieces.

The Silver Exhibition will feature an extensive collection of breath-taking silver artifacts, including ornate jewellery, intricately designed home decor, finely crafted cutlery, and much more. 25000 registered Visitors will have the unique opportunity to witness the diverse range of techniques employed by skilled artisans to transform silver into objects of unparalleled beauty.
The event will also host engaging workshops and demonstrations by industry experts, providing a deeper understanding of silver craftsmanship techniques and the history behind this precious metal. Visitors can learn first-hand about the intricate processes involved in creating silver jewellery and witness live demonstrations by talented artisans, who will be happy to share their knowledge and passion.
"We are delighted to present this grand exhibition, showcasing the finest silver craftsmanship from around the world," said Dr.  Chetan Mehta, National Vice President at IBJA. "This exhibition is not only a celebration of the artistic excellence associated with silver but also an opportunity to promote and preserve the rich cultural heritage that it represents, stated Surendra Mehta, National Secretary-IBJA 
The Silver Exhibition in Mumbai will be a hub of inspiration and a platform for interaction among artisans, collectors, connoisseurs, and enthusiasts. Visitors can explore the exhibition at their leisure, marvel at the exceptional creations on display, and even have the chance to acquire unique silver pieces to add to their collections. Approximate 350 tons of silver will be displayed for the exhibition.
About 150000+ Silver jewellery design and Artifacts will be showcased for the industry, Said Prithviraj Kothari, National President at IBJA. 
For more information and updates about the largest ever Silver Exhibition in Mumbai, please visit and join us in this celebration of silver craftsmanship and witness the magnificence of this precious firsthand metal. ENDS/ NHM

मेस्ट्रो रिअलटेक आणि जीएस ग्रुपने वाघोली हाय स्ट्रीट लाँच करण्यासाठी भागीदारी धोरण : महत्त्वाचा व्यावसायिक प्रकल्प जो पूर्व पुण्याच्या कमर्शियल इस्टेटला नवीन देईल ओळख

पुणे, मुंबई, ऑक्टोबर ०९, २०२४ (प्रतिनिधी):  मेस्ट्रो टेकने प्राइम वाघोली लिंक रोडवर असलेला वाघोली हाय स्ट्रीट हा नवीनतम व्यावसायिक प्रकल्प स...